CLI: Targeting Rules
Once you have installed and authorized the CLI, select your relevant organization then run the following command:
dvc targeting get
You will be prompted to select a feature and environment.
If successful you will receive a response which resembles the following (which selected a feature named feature-a
and the Development
└─ Development
└─ status
└─ enabled
To enable a targeting rule for a Feature, you will follow a similar process to above but using the command
dvc targeting enable
If successful you will receive a response which resembles the following (for enabling the targeting rules for the Staging
environment of a feature):
└─ Staging
├─ status
│ └─ enabled
└─ rules
└─ 1. All Users
├─ definition
│ └─ All Users
└─ serve
└─ Variation On
To disable a targeting rule for a Feature, you will follow a similar process to above but using the command
dvc targeting disable
If successful you will receive a response which resembles the following (for disabling the targeting rules for the Staging
environment of a feature):
└─ Staging
├─ status
│ └─ disabled
└─ rules
└─ 1. All Users
├─ definition
│ └─ All Users
└─ serve
└─ Variation On
Once you have installed and authorized the CLI, select your relevant organization then run the following command:
dvc targeting update
You will be prompted to select a feature, environment and what you would like to update (status or targets). For this case you should select only targets
You should then select Add Targeting Rule
and will be prompted to define a Name, Variations to serve and a filter. For this case, if you have not yet created any filters, you should select Add Filter
Here you will be prompted to select a definition of all (for all users), user (to target a specific user based on an identifier like email, country, etc.) or audienceMatch (see Audiences).
Looking to reuse an audience in user targeting for features? Be sure to check out the our documentation explaining how to create and manage Audiences via our API or within the DevCycle dashboard.
Once you have chosen your relevant definition select Continue
(twice) when prompted. If successful you should see a flow which resembles the following (which represents added a new targeting rule to feature-a
in the Staging Environment
for any users with the email address that contains devcycle
and will serve them a variation named New Variation
? Which feature? feature-a
? Which environment? Staging (staging)
? Which fields are you updating targets
🤖 Manage your Targeting
🤖 Current Targeting Rules:
└─ 1. All Users
├─ definition
│ └─ All Users
└─ serve
└─ Variation On
? Select an action: Add Targeting Rule
? Name: New Targeting Rule
? Variation to serve New Variation (new-variation)
🤖 No existing Filters.
? Select an action: Add Filter
? Type for definition user
? Subtype for definition email
? Comparator for definition contain
? List of comma separated values for definition: devcycle
🤖 Manage your filters
🤖 Current Filters:
└─ Email
└─ contains
└─ devcycle
? Select an action: Continue
🤖 Manage your filters
🤖 Current Filters:
└─ Email
└─ contains
└─ devcycle
🤖 Manage your Targeting
🤖 Current Targeting Rules:
├─ 1. All Users
│ ├─ definition
│ │ └─ All Users
│ └─ serve
│ └─ Variation On
└─ 2. New Targeting Rule
├─ definition
│ └─ Email
│ └─ contains
│ └─ devcycle
└─ serve
└─ new-variation
? Select an action: Continue
🤖 Manage your Targeting
🤖 Current Targeting Rules:
├─ 1. All Users
│ ├─ definition
│ │ └─ All Users
│ └─ serve
│ └─ Variation On
└─ 2. New Targeting Rule
├─ definition
│ └─ Email
│ └─ contains
│ └─ devcycle
└─ serve
└─ new-variation
└─ Staging
├─ status
│ └─ enabled
└─ rules
├─ 1. All Users
│ ├─ definition
│ │ └─ All Users
│ └─ serve
│ └─ Variation On
└─ 2. New Targeting Rule
├─ definition
│ └─ Email
│ └─ contains
│ └─ devcycle
└─ serve
└─ New Variation
To enable a targeting rule for a Feature, you will follow a similar process to above but using the command
dvc targeting enable
If successful you will receive a response which resembles the following (for enabling the targeting rules for the Staging
environment of a feature):
└─ Staging
├─ status
│ └─ enabled
└─ rules
└─ 1. All Users
├─ definition
│ └─ All Users
└─ serve
└─ Variation On
Once you have installed and authorized the CLI, select your relevant organization then run the following command:
dvc targeting update
You will be prompted to select a feature, environment and you should ensure that targets
are selected when asked which fields you are updating.
From here select Edit Targeting Rule
, chose the relevant targeting rule you would like to update.
You will then be prompted to change the Name and Variation to Serve (click enter if you would like to keep these the same).
Next you will be prompted to Add, Edit or Remove Filters (known as Definitions on the dashboard). Click continue of you would not like to change these or select the appropriate option for your situation.
If successful you will receive a response which resembles the following (which represents updating a targeting rule named New Targeting Rule
on the Staging Environment
for feature-a
to show Variation Off
to impact any users with the email address that does not contain devcycle
? Which feature? feature-a
? Which environment? Staging (staging)
? Which fields are you updating targets
🤖 Manage your Targeting
🤖 Current Targeting Rules:
├─ 1. All Users
│ ├─ definition
│ │ └─ All Users
│ └─ serve
│ └─ Variation On
└─ 2. New Targeting Rule
├─ definition
│ └─ Email
│ └─ contains
│ └─ devcycle
└─ serve
└─ New Variation
? Select an action: Edit Targeting Rule
? Which Targeting Rule would you like to edit? New Targeting Rule
? Name: New Targeting Rule
? Variation to serve Variation Off (variation-off)
🤖 Manage your filters
🤖 Current Filters:
└─ Email
└─ contains
└─ devcycle
? Select an action: Edit Filter
? Which Filter would you like to edit? {"type":"user","subType":"email","comparator":"contain","values":["devcycle"]}
? Which fields are you updating
🤖 Manage your filters
🤖 Current Filters:
└─ Email
└─ contains
└─ devcycle
? Select an action: Continue
🤖 Manage your filters
🤖 Current Filters:
└─ Email
└─ does not contain
└─ devcycle
🤖 Manage your Targeting
🤖 Current Targeting Rules:
├─ 1. All Users
│ ├─ definition
│ │ └─ All Users
│ └─ serve
│ └─ Variation On
└─ 2. New Targeting Rule
├─ definition
│ └─ Email
│ └─ does not contain
│ └─ devcycle
└─ serve
└─ variation-off
? Select an action: Continue
🤖 Manage your Targeting
🤖 Current Targeting Rules:
├─ 1. All Users
│ ├─ definition
│ │ └─ All Users
│ └─ serve
│ └─ Variation On
└─ 2. New Targeting Rule
├─ definition
│ └─ Email
│ └─ does not contain
│ └─ devcycle
└─ serve
└─ variation-off
└─ Staging
├─ status
│ └─ enabled
└─ rules
├─ 1. All Users
│ ├─ definition
│ │ └─ All Users
│ └─ serve
│ └─ Variation On
└─ 2. New Targeting Rule
├─ definition
│ └─ Email
│ └─ does not contain
│ └─ devcycle
└─ serve
└─ Variation Off
Other update actions from the CLI include:
- Reordering a Targeting Rule
- Reordering a Filter (known as definition in the CLI)
Once you have installed and authorized the CLI, select your relevant organization then run the following command:
dvc targeting update
You will be prompted to select a feature, environment and you should ensure that targets
are selected when asked which fields you are updating.
Select Remove Targeting Rule
from the options presented and chose the reelvant Targeting rule you would like to delete. Click continue.
If successful you will receive a response which resembles the following (which represents removing a targeting rule named New Targeting Rule
on the Staging Environment
for feature-a
? Which feature? feature-a
? Which environment? Staging (staging)
? Which fields are you updating targets
🤖 Manage your Targeting
🤖 Current Targeting Rules:
├─ 1. All Users
│ ├─ definition
│ │ └─ All Users
│ └─ serve
│ └─ Variation On
└─ 2. New Targeting Rule
├─ definition
│ └─ Email
│ └─ does not contain
│ └─ devcycle
└─ serve
└─ Variation Off
? Select an action: Exit (Discard changes)
└─ Staging
├─ status
│ └─ enabled
└─ rules
├─ 1. All Users
│ ├─ definition
│ │ └─ All Users
│ └─ serve
│ └─ Variation On
└─ 2. New Targeting Rule
├─ definition
│ └─ Email
│ └─ does not contain
│ └─ devcycle
└─ serve
└─ Variation Off
@andrewdmaclean ➜ /workspaces/devcycle-docs (main) $ dvc targeting update
? Which feature? feature-a
? Which environment? Staging (staging)
? Which fields are you updating targets
🤖 Manage your Targeting
🤖 Current Targeting Rules:
├─ 1. All Users
│ ├─ definition
│ │ └─ All Users
│ └─ serve
│ └─ Variation On
└─ 2. New Targeting Rule
├─ definition
│ └─ Email
│ └─ does not contain
│ └─ devcycle
└─ serve
└─ Variation Off
? Select an action: Remove Targeting Rule
? Select the Targeting Rule you would like to delete: New Targeting Rule
🤖 Manage your Targeting
🤖 Current Targeting Rules:
└─ 1. All Users
├─ definition
│ └─ All Users
└─ serve
└─ Variation On
? Select an action: Continue
🤖 Manage your Targeting
🤖 Current Targeting Rules:
└─ 1. All Users
├─ definition
│ └─ All Users
└─ serve
└─ Variation On
└─ Staging
├─ status
│ └─ enabled
└─ rules
└─ 1. All Users
├─ definition
│ └─ All Users
└─ serve
└─ Variation On
A similar process should be applied for removing filters/definitions