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CLI: Projects


Once you have installed and authorized the CLI, select your relevant organization then run one of the following commands depending on your use case:

To retrieve the keys for all projects in a currently selected organization run.

dvc projects get

If the command is successful, you should receving the following response in your terminal (which represents two projects in a given organization named project-a and project-b):



Once you have installed and authorized the CLI, select your relevant organization then run the following command:

dvc projects create

You will be prompted to set a Name, Key, and Description (Optional).

If successful you will receive something which resembles the following (which demonstrates creating a new project called New Project):

"_id": "q1w2e3r4t56y",
"_organization": "org_abc123",
"_createdBy": "google-oauth2|q1w2e3r4t65y6",
"name": "New Project",
"key": "new-project",
"description": "",
"createdAt": "2023-07-26T22:14:25.603Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-07-26T22:14:25.603Z",
"hasJiraIntegration": false,
"readonly": false,
"settings": {
"edgeDB": {
"enabled": false
"optIn": {
"enabled": false
"sdkTypeVisibility": {
"enabledInFeatureSettings": false