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Ruby Server SDK Getting Started

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Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:

Please note; the default mode is to use Local Bucketing - to use cloud bucketing - set the enable_cloud_bucketing option to true.

The last argument to tells the sdk whether you want to wait for initialization - meaning that the method will block until the first config is fetched and set successfully or an unrecoverable error occurs during initialization.

# Load the gem
require 'devcycle-ruby-server-sdk'

# Setup authorization
devcycle_client =['DEVCYCLE_SERVER_SDK_KEY'],, true)
user ={ user_id: 'user_id_example' })

# Get all features for user data
result = devcycle_client.all_features(user)
p result
rescue DevCycle::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling DevCycle::Client->all_features: #{e}"

Initializing the SDK in a Rails App

The SDK can be initialized in an initializer file:

Step 1: Create a new file in config/initializers called devcycle.rb.

Step 2: Add the following code to the devcycle.rb file:

Rails.configuration.devcycle_client =

Initializing the SDK in a Rails App Using Unicorn

When using Unicorn with the preload_app configuration set to true, the SDK needs to be initialized in the after_work block in the config/unicorn.rb file:

after_fork do |server, worker|
Rails.configuration.devcycle_client =

Initializing the SDK in a Rails App Using Puma

When using Puma with the preload_app configuration set to true, the SDK needs to be initialized in the on_worker_boot block in the config/puma.rb file:

on_worker_boot do
Rails.configuration.devcycle_client =

Initialization Options

The SDK exposes various initialization options which can be set when registering the DevCycle Client:

require 'devcycle-ruby-server-sdk'

options =

devcycle_client ="dvc_server_token_hash", options, true)
user ={
user_id: 'test_user',
email: '[email protected]',
country: 'CA'
DevCycle OptionTypeDescription
enable_cloud_bucketingBooleanSwitches the SDK to use Cloud Bucketing (via the DevCycle Bucketing API) instead of Local Bucketing.
event_flush_interval_msIntControls the interval between flushing events to the DevCycle servers, defaults to 30 seconds.
disable_custom_event_loggingBooleanDisables logging of custom events, from track() method, and user data to DevCycle.
disable_automatic_event_loggingBooleanDisables logging of sdk generated events (e.g. aggVariableEvaluated, aggVariableDefaulted) to DevCycle.
config_polling_interval_msIntControls the polling interval in milliseconds to fetch new environment config changes, defaults to 10 seconds, minimum value is 1 second.
disable_realtime_updatesBooleanDisables the usage of realtime updates SSE connections for DevCycle, will revert to polling against the config CDN.
request_timeout_msIntControls the request timeout to fetch new environment config changes, defaults to 5 seconds, must be less than the configPollingIntervalMS value, minimum value is 1 second.
max_event_queue_sizeIntControls the maximum size the event queue can grow to until events are dropped. Defaults to 2000.
flush_event_queue_sizeIntControls the maximum size the event queue can grow to until a flush is forced. Defaults to 1000.
event_request_chunk_sizeIntCount of events to chunk per event upload request. Defaults to 100.
loggerDevCycleLoggerLogger override to replace default logger
config_cdn_uriStringContact support for usage instructions.
events_api_uriStringContact support for usage instructions.
enable_edge_dbBooleanEnables the usage of EdgeDB for DevCycle that syncs User Data to DevCycle.
NOTE: This is only available with Cloud Bucketing.