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Python Server SDK Getting Started

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Initializing Local Bucketing SDK

Code sample for importing and setting up the DevCycleLocalClient. //: # (wizard-initialize-start)

from devcycle_python_sdk import DevCycleLocalClient, DevCycleLocalOptions
from devcycle_python_sdk.models.user import DevCycleUser
import os

# Create an options object to do custom configurations, or use the defaults
options = DevCycleLocalOptions()

# create an instance of the DevCycleLocalClient class
devcycle_client = DevCycleLocalClient(os.environ["DEVCYCLE_SERVER_SDK_KEY"], options)

# all client functions require user data to be an instance of the DevCycleUser class
user = DevCycleUser(
email='[email protected]',

Initializing Cloud Bucketing SDK

Code sample for importing and setting up the DevCycleCloudClient.

from devcycle_python_sdk import DevCycleCloudClient, DevCycleCloudOptions
from devcycle_python_sdk.models.user import DevCycleUser
import os

# Create an options object and enable storing user data in EdgeDB
options = DevCycleCloudOptions(enable_edge_db=True)

# create an instance of the DevCycleCloudClient class
devcycle_client = DevCycleCloudClient(os.environ["DEVCYCLE_SERVER_SDK_KEY"], options)

# all client functions require user data to be an instance of the DevCycleUser class
user = DevCycleUser(
email='[email protected]',

For a Django specific sample app, please see the Python Django Example App.

Initialization Options

The SDK exposes various initialization options which can be set when registering the DevCycleModule:

from devcycle_python_sdk import DevCycleLocalClient, DevCycleLocalOptions
from devcycle_python_sdk.models.user import DevCycleUser
import os

# Create an options object to do custom configurations, or use the defaults
options = DevCycleLocalOptions()

# create an instance of the DevCycleLocalClient class
devcycle_client = DevCycleLocalClient(os.environ["DEVCYCLE_SERVER_SDK_KEY"], options)

Local Bucketing Options

DevCycle OptionTypeDescription
config_cdn_uristrContact support for usage instructions.
config_request_timeout_msintControls the request timeout to fetch new environment config changes, defaults to 5 seconds, must be less than the configPollingIntervalMS value, minimum value is 1 second.
config_polling_interval_msintControls the polling interval in milliseconds to fetch new environment config changes, defaults to 1 second.
config_retry_delay_msintControls the delay between retries to fetch new environment config changes, defaults to 200 milliseconds.
on_client_initializedOptional[Callable]Contact DevCycle support for instructions on how to configure this option.
events_api_uristrContact support for usage instructions.
max_event_queue_sizeintControls the maximum size the event queue can grow to until events are dropped. Defaults to 2000.
event_flush_interval_msintControls the interval between flushing events to the DevCycle servers, defaults to 10 seconds.
flush_event_queue_sizeintControls the maximum size the event queue can grow to until a flush is forced. Defaults to 1000.
event_request_chunk_sizeintCount of events to chunk per event upload request. Defaults to 100.
event_request_timeout_msintControls the request timeout for posting events to DevCycle. Defaults to 10000.
event_retry_delay_msintControls the delay between retries when posting events to DevCycle. Defaults to 100.
disable_automatic_event_loggingboolDisables logging of sdk generated events (e.g. aggVariableEvaluated, aggVariableDefaulted) to DevCycle.
disable_custom_event_loggingboolDisables logging of custom events, from track() method, and user data to DevCycle.
disable_realtime_updatesboolDisables the usage of realtime updates SSE connections for DevCycle, will revert to polling against the config CDN.

Cloud Bucketing Options

DevCycle OptionTypeDescription
enable_edge_dbboolEnables the usage of EdgeDB for DevCycle that syncs User Data to DevCycle.
bucketing_api_uristrContact support for usage instructions.
request_timeoutintControls the request timeout to fetch new environment config changes, defaults to 5 seconds, minimum value is 1 second.
request_retriesintControls the number of request retries to the DevCycle servers, defaults to 5.
retry_delayintControls the delay between retries to the DevCycle servers, defaults to 200 milliseconds.