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BETA - Stale Feature Notifications


Stale Feature Notifications are a Premium feature. To learn more, read about our pricing. To upgrade your plan, please update your plan on your Billing Information page which can be found in your organization's Settings, or contact Sales.

Stale Features are identified based on specific conditions associated with their usage, modifications, and Feature type. DevCycle will alert you when a Feature has been qualified as potentially stale to help ensure that Features are surfaced for cleanup.

If a Feature is marked as stale, DevCycle encourages users to take action by updating its status to Complete or Archived. This indicates that a Feature is ready to be cleaned up and removed from your codebase.

Stale Feature Reasons

Features can belong to one of the following staleness reasons:



A Feature is classified as Unmodified if it has not been updated for more than 14 days.

Applicable to: Release, Experiment Feature types.


A Feature is classified as Unmodified if it has not been updated for more than 30 days.

Applicable to: Ops, Permissions Feature types.


A Released Feature is one that has been serving the same variation to all users in a production environment for 14 or more days. DevCycle will check that the distribution has reached 100% and all rollouts are complete.

Applicable to: Release, Experiment Feature types.


An Unused Feature is one where there are no evaluations or defaults for any Variables associated with the Feature for 2 weeks. Targeting status is irrelevant.

Applicable to: All Feature types.


Staleness Feature checks are ONLY conducted on Features that have an In Progress status. Features marked as Complete are not checked for staleness, as they should already be considered ready for cleanup given their status.

Enabling Stale Feature Notifications for your Project

To enable Stale Feature Notifications, navigate to your Project's settings page and find the Stale Feature Notifications section.

Use the dropdown and select Enabled. From there, you can specify which types of staleness you want DevCycle to check for.

image of settings page

Stale Feature Notifications on the Dashboard

You can find a list of stale Features on the main landing page of DevCycle.

image of home page

On the Feature list page, stale Features can be identified by an exclamation point beside its Status label. Hover over the status to quickly see the staleness reason for a given Feature.

image of list page hover

You can also filter for all stale Features or specific staleness reasons on the Feature list page.

image of list page

Snoozing & Disabling Stale Feature Notifications

If a Feature is marked as stale, you will see a notification at the top of the Feature page.

Click the Details button on the notification. This will take you to the Status section of the Feature page, where you will find the specific reason for the Feature's staleness.

To snooze a notification for a Feature, click on the Snooze button and select a timeframe in which you'd like to pause staleness checks for this Feature. After the time has elapsed, the Feature will be checked for staleness again.

image of snooze

To unsnooze or change the snooze time period, click on the Unsnooze button.

image of unsnooze

To disable staleness checks for this Feature entirely, click the Disable button.

To re-enable staleness checks for a Feature, navigate to the Settings section of the Feature page and update the Feature Staleness Check dropdown to Enabled.

image of enable staleness checks