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Feature Hierarchy

In a traditional feature flagging platform, there is only one type of entity to worry about: a feature flag! In these platforms, a feature flag contains the targeting rules and possible values for its respective key, all rolled into one.

DevCycle does things differently. Rather than restricting you to one feature flag per set of targeting rules, we allow multiple flags to be governed by a single set of rules. In our platform, a value that you retrieve in your code is referred to as a Variable. For example, this line of code obtains a Variable from DevCycle using the unique key headerText:

const headerText = devCycleClient.variable('headerText', 'Welcome to My Website!')

In order for DevCycle to provide different values for this Variable, it must be associated with a Feature. A Feature serves as a logical grouping of Variables, and defines the sets of possible values these Variables can receive. It also contains the targeting rules that decide who should receive what value. The sets of possible values are called Variations.

You can think of a Feature as a set of related Variables that are all part of a new product feature, or should be grouped together for organization purposes. A concrete example of this is a Feature like "Website Redesign" which can contain many Variables controlling different aspects of the design, like "headerText", "headerColor", "buttonColor", etc. At DevCycle, we often have Features that contain both back-end and front-end Variables, so that all parts of a new Feature can be turned on or off at the same time.

The approach of composing multiple Variables together into a Feature and setting the possible values using Variations has some advantages:

  • Variables that are related to each other can be grouped into a single Feature for ease of organization
  • Combinations of Variables that must be set together, or only have certain permutations of valid values, can be controlled together
  • You can easily experiment with different Variations of several variables.
  • Various components of both the back-end and front-end can be controlled together without having to use the same Variable across each code base.
  • You can re-use a Variable in the future even after a feature has been released or an experiment concluded.

For more detail on each of these concepts, see below.


Variables are the main "primitive" that you interact with using the DevCycle SDK. A Variable is identified by a unique key, has a particular data type, and can optionally be defined with a more specific schema of possible allowed values.

Variables may be the following types: Boolean, JSON, Number, or String.

A Variable is accessed from an SDK using the variable method, which looks something like this:

const headerText = devCycleClient.variable('headerText', 'Welcome to My Website!')

A call to the variable method is known as an evaluation. Each evaluation must define a default value that will be served in cases where DevCycle is unreachable, or the user does not qualify for any targeting rules that would change the served value.

On their own, Variables will only ever receive the default value defined in code. In order to instruct DevCycle to change their values, Variables must be added to a Feature.


Features are a grouping of related Variables, and define the Variations that govern the sets of values these Variables will receive from DevCycle. Targeting rules are also defined in a Feature, and each rule serves one or more Variations to the set of qualified users.

A Feature can most simply be thought of as a "new product feature", but could also be used for things like:

  • defining the set of features available to different tiers of users on a SaaS platform (eg. Pro, Enterprise etc.)
  • defining the set of configuration settings for a particular backend service
  • enabling or disabling a set of optional features that are known to degrade performance during a high-traffic event
  • experimenting with multiple variations of a redesign

By default, upon creation of a Feature, a Boolean Variable will be created which has the same name as the Feature's key for easier reference. Variables cannot be used in multiple existing Features, so their keys must be unique. The Variable Type helps enforce consistent usage across the team to avoid type mismatches in different use cases.

When creating a Feature in the DevCycle, you will be able to choose a Feature Type which will pre-fill some options in the Feature and help kick-start your usage of the Feature.


Variations are different sets of Variable values defined in a Feature. Variations can be used to ensure that only certain permutations of multiple Variables can be served by DevCycle. They are also useful for experimentation, where different Variations can be tested against each other to determine which one performs better.

For example, if you have a Feature that controls a new UI element and a Variable that controls the color of that element, you could have one Variation where the color is blue and another Variation where the color is red.

When a user is "Served" a Variation based on the Targeting Rules, the Variable Values the user receives will be the values for the served Variation.


In summary, a Feature may have any number of Variables, and the values of these Variables can change depending on the Variation a user is in.

This allows for a great range of possible use cases such as Personalization, Experimentation, and even gating aspects of Features for various reasons such as billing, permissions, or preferences.