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DevCycle's Snowflake Data Sharing integration allows you to gain access to all data that are collected by the DevCycle SDKs for your organization. Data Sharing provides a secure and straightforward approach to sharing data between companies.

For further information, you may visit Snowflake's dedicated page on Data Sharing.


The integration is only available to Organizations that are on Business or Enterprise plans at this time.

Your Organization's Snowflake Account Region must be AWS - US East 1.


To begin the setup process for data sharing, you'll need to provide DevCycle with a few details from your Snowflake instance. Please reach out to your contact or to [email protected] and include the following information:

  • Name/ID of DevCycle Organization
  • Snowflake Account Name
  • Snowflake Organization

DevCycle will create the request to share data to your Snowflake instance. Once it's ready, please visit your Snowflake portal to accept the sharing request.


DevCycle's Snowflake Schema containing definitions of each field.

_IDstringDVC unique event identifier
TYPEstringType of the event
TARGETstringLocation of tracked event
CUSTOMTYPEstringCustom defined type for the event
_PROJECTstringUnique Project ID
_ENVIRONMENTstringUnique Environment ID
USER_IDstringUser ID
DATEtimestamp_ntzDate on which the event was saved to DVC servers
CLIENTDATEtimestamp_ntzDate on which the event was tracked on the device
VALUEfloatAny value associated with the event
FEATUREVARSJSONSet of Variation IDs mapped to Feature IDs
USERJSONUser and Device information
METADATAJSONAny metadata associated with the event
A0_ORGANIZATIONstringUnique Organization ID
Contributing to DevCycle or creating a new Integration:

If you would like to contribute to an existing integration or tool, all of DevCycle's tools and integrations are open source on the DevCycle github repository.

Further, if you'd like to create a new tool or integration, a great starting point is DevCycle's Management API which allows you to modify and interact with features and more within a devcycle project, as well as the DevCycle Bucketing API which is used to give users features and variables (as used within the DevCycle SDKs!)