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DevCycle Terraform Provider is a Terraform provider that provides a way to manage DevCycle projects, features, variables, variations, and environments. It also provides the ability to receive DevCycle Variable values during the apply step, and feature flag the behaviour of other Terraform configuration.


Install the Terraform Provider

terraform {
required_providers {
devcycle = {
source = "DevCycleHQ/devcycle"
version = "1.0.0"

provider "devcycle" {
client_id = "your-client-id"
client_secret = "your-client-secret"
server_sdk_token = "project-specific-server-sdk-token"

Set up DevCycle API Credentials

All actions by the Terraform provider are scoped at the organization root level. This requires DevCycle API authorization. Your DevCycle organization's client ID and secret must be provided. They can be obtained from the settings page of the DevCycle dashboard.

There are several ways to provide these credentials:

Directly in the Terraform configuration

This is not recommended, as your credentials will be visible in your Terraform state. But if you are securely controlling access to the state file, then this can be used safely. Set the client_id and client_secret fields in the provider.devcycle block in your Terraform configuration to the respective values. These will be used to get an OAuth2 access token at the time of use - this value is not stored in the Terraform state file for security.

For the server_sdk_token field, this is scoped to a single DevCycle project. This should be the project you want to control your resources from. The server sdk token can be found in the same settings page as the client id and secret - but you need to select the right project first.

Environment Variables

Set the following environment variables:

$ export DEVCYCLE_CLIENT_ID=<your client id>
$ export DEVCYCLE_CLIENT_SECRET=<your client secret>
$ export DEVCYCLE_SERVER_TOKEN=<your server token>

Terraform will use these as a fallback from the provider passed variables. Meaning the values in the configuration block will take precedence over the environment variables.


For more detailed documentation on the DevCycle Terraform provider, see the DevCycle Terraform Provider Documentation

After configuration of the provider - let's use the provider to create a DevCycle project.

Create a Project

resource "devcycle_project" "example" {
name = "Example DevCycle Project"
key = "example-devcycle-project"
description = "Terraform example project"

Running terraform apply will create this project - and you can see it in the DevCycle dashboard.

This creates a bare project - with no features or variables. To add those, lets create a feature.

Create a Feature

resource "devcycle_feature" "example" {
project_id =
name = "Example Feature"
key = "example-feature"
description = "Terraform example feature"
type = "experiment"
tags = ["terraform"]

This feature takes in the project id as a variable - we're passing in the id exported from the devcycle_project resource to make it simple. But if you wanted to create a feature for an already existing project that isn't managed by terraform - feel free to use the human readable project key instead. Anywhere you see id or key in the configuration, you can use either the human readable key or the id, as the API manages the conversion between the two.

The feature resource can create and manage the variations and variables attached to the feature - but it's not recommended to manage the variables if you don't need to in the same block, and to instead use the devcycle_variable resource.

Create a Variable

resource "devcycle_variable" "example" {
name = "Terraform Example Variable"
key = "example-variable"
description = "Terraform created variable"
type = "Boolean"
feature_id =
project_id =

After creating the variable - you can either read from the existing environments auto-created on project creation: development, staging, production or create a new one.

Getting SDK Keys

Using the data block - you can read the SDK keys that get generated for the environment to change keys automatically in your Terraform configuration. SDK Keys are prefixed by their type, client, mobile, or server.

data "devcycle_environment" "test" {
key = "development"
project_key = devcycle_project.example.key

output "development_sdk_keys" {
value = data.devcycle_environment.test.sdk_keys

Evaluating Variables

One of the major features that this provider provides is the ability to evaluate variables. This is done by using the typed data blocks for the type of variable desired.

data "devcycle_evaluated_variable_boolean" "create-resource" {
default_value = false
id =
user = {
id = "user-id"

This evaluation can then be accessed via data.devcycle_evaluated_variable_boolean.create-resource.value. The default value will be returned if there is no returned value from no matching variation.

There is another data block for each type of variable that can be evaluated (JSON, Boolean, String, Number) Each is typed explicitly because a variable type cannot be changed after creation.

Contributing to DevCycle or creating a new Integration:

If you would like to contribute to an existing integration or tool, all of DevCycle's tools and integrations are open source on the DevCycle github repository.

Further, if you'd like to create a new tool or integration, a great starting point is DevCycle's Management API which allows you to modify and interact with features and more within a devcycle project, as well as the DevCycle Bucketing API which is used to give users features and variables (as used within the DevCycle SDKs!)